Bestsellers in Surgical
Vestibulum Retractor
£6.90(0 Reviews)
Vestibulum Retractor is used to hold mucoperiosteal flaps, cheeks, lips and tongue.
Cassette For 5 Instruments Removable 18.5 x 8 x 3.5cm
£20.00(0 Reviews)
Sterilization Cassette are used to hold dental and surgical instruments during the sterilization procedure.
Cassette For 20 Instruments Removable 29 x 19 x 3.5cm
£60.00(0 Reviews)
Sterilization Cassette are used to hold dental and surgical instruments during the sterilization procedure.
Extraction Forceps For Upper Third Wisdom Molar # 67
£14.00(0 Reviews)
Dental Surgical Extracting Forceps Used To Extract Tooth From Roots.
Flohr Elevators Left & Right
£16.00(0 Reviews)
Elevators are used in Surgical Procedures to loosen the tooth from the periodontal ligament and ease extraction.
Mosquito Forceps Curved 12cm
£5.99(0 Reviews)
Multipurpose Haemostat instruments used to clamp off blood vessels, remove small root tips and grasp loose objects.
Extraction Forceps For Lower Molars Cowhorn # 86
£14.00(0 Reviews)
Dental Surgical Extracting Forceps Used To Extract Tooth From Roots.
Showing 1–12 of 150 results
Adson Tweezer Kocher 12cm
£5.30(0 Reviews)
Tissue forceps / pliers used to grasp and stabilize soft tissue during suturing.
Adson Tweezer Plain 12cm
£5.30(0 Reviews)
Tissue forceps / pliers used to grasp and stabilize soft tissue during suturing.
Backhaus Towel Clamp Forceps 12.5cm
£6.20(0 Reviews)
Backhaus Towel Clamp Forceps used for grasping tissue, securing towels or drapes, and holding or reducing small bone fractures.
Backhaus Towel Clamp Forceps 9cm
£6.10(0 Reviews)
Backhaus Towel Clamp Forceps used for grasping tissue, securing towels or drapes, and holding or reducing small bone fractures.
Beebee Scissor Curved 10.5cm
£6.90(0 Reviews)
BeeBee Crown Scissors Curved also used for cutting and trimming various material.
Beebee Scissor Straight 10.5cm
£6.90(0 Reviews)
BeeBee Crown Scissors Straight also used for cutting and trimming various material.
Bite Blocks Set
£9.00(0 Reviews)
Latex-Free Small Child Bite Block Mouth Prop used to prop mouth open during extraction procedures.
Bluementhal Bone Rongeurs 14cm
£14.00(0 Reviews)
End-Cutting Rongeurs used for trimming and recontouring alveolar bone and gross tissue removal.
Bone Crusher / Grinder
£60.00(0 Reviews)
Bone Crusher Miller is used for crushing or grinding bone into little particles.
Bone Grafting Syringe
£9.50(0 Reviews)
Bone Grafting Syringe with Needle used to inject grafting material during implant procedure.
Bone Mead Mallet Hammer
£25.00(0 Reviews)
Bone mallets are short hammers and are used in surgery when bone tissue required to be modify or separate.
Bone Morselizer Forceps
£60.00(0 Reviews)
Bone Morselizer Forceps used to crush down bone to little particles in the process of bone grafting.