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Bestsellers in Surgical


Vestibulum Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Vestibulum Retractor is used to hold mucoperiosteal flaps, cheeks, lips and tongue.

Cassette For 5 Instruments Removable 18.5 x 8 x 3.5cm

(0 Reviews)
Sterilization Cassette are used to hold dental and surgical instruments during the sterilization procedure.

Cassette For 20 Instruments Removable 29 x 19 x 3.5cm

(0 Reviews)
Sterilization Cassette are used to hold dental and surgical instruments during the sterilization procedure.

Extraction Forceps For Upper Third Wisdom Molar # 67

(0 Reviews)
Dental Surgical Extracting Forceps Used To Extract Tooth From Roots.

Flohr Elevators Left & Right

(0 Reviews)
Elevators are used in Surgical Procedures to loosen the tooth from the periodontal ligament and ease extraction.

Mosquito Forceps Curved 12cm

(0 Reviews)
Multipurpose Haemostat instruments used to clamp off blood vessels, remove small root tips and grasp loose objects.

Extraction Forceps For Lower Molars Cowhorn # 86

(0 Reviews)
Dental Surgical Extracting Forceps Used To Extract Tooth From Roots.

Showing 1–12 of 150 results

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Adson Tweezer Kocher 12cm

(0 Reviews)
Tissue forceps / pliers used to grasp and stabilize soft tissue during suturing.

Adson Tweezer Plain 12cm

(0 Reviews)
Tissue forceps / pliers used to grasp and stabilize soft tissue during suturing.

Backhaus Towel Clamp Forceps 12.5cm

(0 Reviews)
Backhaus Towel Clamp Forceps used for grasping tissue, securing towels or drapes, and holding or reducing small bone fractures.

Backhaus Towel Clamp Forceps 9cm

(0 Reviews)
Backhaus Towel Clamp Forceps used for grasping tissue, securing towels or drapes, and holding or reducing small bone fractures.

Beebee Scissor Curved 10.5cm

(0 Reviews)
BeeBee Crown Scissors Curved also used for cutting and trimming various material.

Beebee Scissor Straight 10.5cm

(0 Reviews)
BeeBee Crown Scissors Straight also used for cutting and trimming various material.

Bite Blocks Set

(0 Reviews)
Latex-Free Small Child Bite Block Mouth Prop used to prop mouth open during extraction procedures.

Bluementhal Bone Rongeurs 14cm

(0 Reviews)
End-Cutting Rongeurs used for trimming and recontouring alveolar bone and gross tissue removal.

Bone Crusher / Grinder

(0 Reviews)
Bone Crusher Miller is used for crushing or grinding bone into little particles.

Bone Grafting Syringe

(0 Reviews)
Bone Grafting Syringe with Needle used to inject grafting material during implant procedure.

Bone Mead Mallet Hammer

(0 Reviews)
Bone mallets are short hammers and are used in surgery when bone tissue required to be modify or separate.

Bone Morselizer Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Bone Morselizer Forceps used to crush down bone to little particles in the process of bone grafting.

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